Artificial Disc Replacement

An artificial disc is used for people who have got some kind of issues with their discs. This artificial disc is a structure that is cushioning in nature and is located between the bones of spines known as vertebra. This is the structure that is made out of tissue which is like cartilage and has outer portion known as annulus. The inner portion of this disc is known as nucleus. Most of the cases, disc is something which is flexible so that the spine can bend to the maximum extend. Artificial disc is the device that gets implanted to spine for imitating functions that of the normal disc.


Artificial disc can be classified into two different kinds which are the disc nuclear replacement and also the total disc replacement. Most of disc tissue or all of them are removed and then replacement devices get implanted to space that is there between vertebra. In the case of disc nucleus replacement, just the center part of disc which is the nucleus is removed and get replaced. In the other case, exterior part is removed.

Materials Used for Making Artificial Discs

The artificial disk replacement is done by making use of the artificial discs that are usually made with biopolymer which is a kind of material which resembles that of plastic and also with metal. There are chances for the artificial disc to also be made out of these two materials together. These kinds of materials are used in body for so many years. The very commonly used kind of artificial disc replacement design is the one that has got two plates in it. One plate is attached to a vertebra that is above disc and another to vertebra below it. Some of the devices have got pieces that resembles like plastic that is there available between plates. There are chances for these dives to allow motion by the curved, smooth and the surfaces that slide across one another.

The discs that are meant for nucleus artificial disc replacement make use of the artificial disc that is made out of the materials that resemble like plastic like the biopolymer. Hydrogel is such a kind of material used for this purpose. This is the material that has got the capability for expanding once when water is absorbed by it. The device is usually places inside the nuclear cavity that is associated with disc and it is then hydrates for expanding as well as in filling the cavity. This is the device that can also be easily compressible and is capable of providing with greater flexibility for the body. It can act in the form of the disc nucleus that is the natural one.

Candidates of Artificial Disc Replacement

Artificial disc replacement is the option that can be chosen by the individuals for the purpose of providing the best way for getting cured from the conditions like that of the discs that are severe and not curable by other means.