ACDF Recovery

Anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF) is a type of surgery performed to remove a degenerative disc around the neck portion connecting the spine, an incision is basically made from the throat side of the neck, once the defective disc is got rid of, a grafting is done by a bone to fuse the space which is left open, the grafting fuses the two bones which are connecting the disc to heal well.

Caring for the wound

It's very important to take utmost care on the wound which will heal gradually with time, otherwise, once you are feeling stable enough to start bathing which may be after two days onwards, the proper care is needed when wiping or bloating any wetness using very soft, quality cotton towel, the material of the towel used matters a lot for if poor quality is used infection can occur, the stitches are absorbed to tissues when the wound heals. But if the wound brings any problem like unusual pain then you need to see the Surgeon immediately.

Taking a shower

Due to excessive straining which may be exerted around the shoulders and neck while entering the bathroom, it's advisable to take showers while standing starting from two weeks after the surgery, the process will make it possible to reduce strain caused when you enter the bathtub and when coming out, you can also sit on a shower-seat to minimize chances of falling or slipping, caution in such activities will allow a quicker ACDF recovery.


The deep tissues and muscles often take like six weeks or so to heal, the neck area has very delicate tissues and muscles which must be taken care of, the movement of the neck during this time should be done very slowly and carefully to avoid being hurt, but sitting, standing, walking gently and sleeping are acceptable, but any form of movement should be very gently done, running must be avoided at all costs. Any abrupt movement which can cause an injury should be avoided; climbing the stairs should be done one at a time or mostly avoided before six weeks.


The ACDF recovery process needs to be aided by more protein uptake in your diet, for the bone to fuse properly in between the two vertebra, protein is needed in more doses to aid the process, you should take food and drink which are rich in protein to recover fast, the healing of the fusion requires more protein to avoid excess fatigue, eat more food stuff which are rich in protein during this time, the protein consumption in great quantity can go on for a period of four months for better healing.


Within the first six weeks after surgery walking should be done on a level ground, within the six weeks no severe exercise is permitted for it can cause an injury or pain. Afterward other exercises like swimming with a lot of care can be done without turning the neck sharply, any activity which involved turning the neck sharply must be avoided until after about three months, sit ups can be on hold until instructed by your surgeon, other routine exercises like climbing the stairs, riding a stationary bicycle, slight weight lifts, only exercises which are allowed by your surgeon with close supervision by the instructor can be done.


If your health care specialist advices you on wearing a collar, do wear it at all times except when going to sleep or bathing, there are soft collars which can be worn to aid healing, the brace will offer room for more comfort such that minimal strains can be experienced, the main purpose here is to enable a quicker healing by reducing any strain being exerted, hard collars usually provide more support and can be won even up to twelve weeks.

Stop Smoking

Smoking of cigarettes interferes with the healing process, any nicotine products will disrupts the fusion within the spine making it difficult for timely healing, even for an addicted smoker, smoking might as well be forgotten for up to six months, it's also advisable never to be near anybody is smoking at all, the smoking can only be continued after advice from your surgeon.

ACDF Recovery is a delicate process which will take both your personal efforts and the advice from your surgeon, the process can take a shorter or a longer duration depending on the surgery or the nature of the injury, but with regular check-ups and personal efforts, the recovery can be quicker.